Fake scientific papers are alarmingly common

Fake scientific papers are alarmingly common

When neuropsychologist Bernhard Sabel put his new fake-paper detector to work, he was “shocked” by what it found. After screening some 5000 papers, he estimates up to 34% of neuroscience papers published in 2020 were likely made up or plagiarized; in medicine, the figure was 24%. Both numbers, which he and colleagues report in a medRxiv preprint posted on 8 May, are well above levels they calculated for 2010—and far larger than the 2% baseline estimated in a 2022 publishers’ group report.

Fake scientific papers are alarmingly common | Science | AAAS

Surprise, Surprise.

Actually, this comes as no surprise to anyone with a brain.

“Science”, is corrupted.

When I was a child, there were a fair amount of the other children, myself included, that had aspirations to be a scientist when they grew up. We would watch Bill Nye and Magic School Bus and were fascinated by the possibilities of tomorrow.

That dream is dead now.

Keep vigilant and watch your sources.

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