10 Delicious Foods You Can Grow in Your Garden Today!

10 Delicious Foods You Can Grow in Your Garden Today!

Have you ever wondered what you should plant in your garden? Do you have a hard
time thinking about what you would like to eat for dinner?
Sometimes we think that we need a complex recipe to make a wonderful dish. This
simply is not the case. Sometimes all we need is a handful of fresh ingredients from
the garden, and we’ve got a gorgeous meal!
When choosing what to plant in your garden, think about what you really enjoy
eating on a regular basis. Consider planting foods that make you feel energized and
As you bring fresh produce in from the garden, you will find that your meals
practically make themselves, and eating will revolve around what is currently ripe
and ready. Below I’ve outlined some of my top picks, enjoy!


No longer will you have trouble getting the kids to eat their veggies! Once your kids
taste how good vegetables can really be, don’t be surprised if you see them out in
the yard perusing down the vegetable beds looking for their favorite snack.

Root Vegetables

Root veggies can include carrots, beets, onions, and many others.

1. Potatoes
I included potatoes in this list because the humble potato is such a versatile veggie.
It can be used in soups, stews, casseroles, or even sautéed. It works well with so
many other food elements, is easy to grow, and lasts a relatively long time. It is a
main staple in the prepper’s pantry, and you will definitely want to include this
veggie in your garden this coming spring.

2. Leek
If you’ve never had leek, oh my goodness, this veggie is an amazing compliment to
casseroles and sautés alike! It tastes a little like onion but has a garlicky undertone
that is simply sublime. Pair chopped leek with mushrooms in butter for a truly
divine flavor experience. Add a little grilled steak and a glass of wine, and you’ve got
the perfect meal.

Salad Greens

Fresh salad greens are such a wonderful main staple to have in your garden.
Whether you’re growing spinach, cabbage, or red leaf lettuce they are tasty eaten
fresh or flash sauteed.

3. Arugula
This wonderful salad green has a unique, slightly peppery taste that sets it apart
from other salad greens. It is delicious when added to salads or makes a great
topper for gourmet burgers.

4. Collard Greens
Collard greens are usually enjoyed cooked and are part of a long list of comfort
foods. These dark leafy greens are versatile and can be customized to the flavor
profile you are in the mood for. Sweet and spicy, tangy, or simply salty they are sure to please. They can be paired with a variety of sauces, herbs, veggies, and spices.
Even a simple splash of vinegar will make these greens an outstanding addition to
your meals. Collard greens are a great way to get much-needed chlorophyll into
your diet.


Fruit comes in all shapes and sizes. These small miracles of the plant kingdom are
not only a sweet treat, but they are also power-packed with an impressive array of
essential nutrients that our bodies need.

Savory Nightshades

A fruit is technically anything with seeds inside of it. So, by this definition, I have
included a couple of savory edibles that we often think of as veggies but are actually

5. Peppers
Peppers are one of my favorite plants in the garden. They are hardy, easy to grow,
and produce prolifically. I start them very early in the spring from seed and enjoy
the produce they grow through fall.

Chopped peppers go great on nearly everything. I often put them in my eggs or
caramelize them with onions to enhance my main course and other side dishes.

6. Tomatoes
The hardy tomato is such a versatile plant. It produces an abundance of fruit and
offers a bountiful harvest that can be shared with friends and relatives. I use
tomatoes to make sauces, soups, and dips. Tomatoes also make a great snack food
on their own for when you’re on the go. I use cherry tomatoes in my salad and as
toppings on pizza too. With tomatoes, the possibilities are literally endless.

Behold the Power of the Berry

Berries are nutrient-packed morsels of sheer delight. You will definitely want to
consider adding these little treasures to your garden.

7. Blue Berries
These nutrient-dense berries are celebrated for their brain-boosting effects and
low glycemic profile. They make a splendid addition to hot cereals, baked goods,
and summer salads. Best of all, they are wonderful to eat just on their own or
perhaps with a dollop of whipped cream!

8. Strawberries
These bright red treats are very easy to grow in the garden. The hard part is
keeping the birds and critters at bay. You’ll definitely want to put a protective mesh
over these sweet jewels!

Strawberries can be used to make fabulous pies, jams, sauces, and various baked
goods. They are excellent for your teeth and are loaded with vitamins and minerals
that keep your body strong.

Orchard Fruit

Planting a few fruit trees may seem like a long wait but consider that the time is
going to pass by anyway. Why not get started now with a few orchard trees? You’ve
not lived until you’ve had fresh pears right off the tree!

9. Apples
Apple season is always a celebrated time at my house. It is such a joy to go out and
pick apples right off the tree. We collect them in large baskets in the fall. They taste
vastly different from store-bought apples, and in a wonderful way too. They’re
often smaller, but the flavor is perfectly sweet and tart.

Now when planting an apple tree, you may have to wait 4 or more years before you
get to enjoy its fruit, but let me tell you, the wait is well worth it!

Apples can be used to make various pies, sauces, baked goods, or fruit butter. Sliced
apples can be dried out to make chips too. Remember what grandma said, “An apple
a day keeps the doctor away.”

10. Peaches
These juicy delicacies are a grand treasure in the garden. Not only are peaches
packed full of vital nutrients, but they are amazingly delicious too. Our garden
peaches taste nothing like store-bought ones. In fact, the flavor of their juicy
interiors is hard to describe. They are very sweet, yet tart, a bit tangy, and slightly
acidic. Enjoy them on their own or with cottage cheese and a little sprinkle of

Don’t be surprised if the family has to sit down and negotiate how many peaches
each person gets to have. You may have to keep an eye on the kids too, as they’re
likely to climb right into the tree and eat them all when you’re not looking.

Natures Bounty

Are you hungry yet? I am too. It’s my hope that I have inspired you to get out into
the garden and enjoy it for yourself. The factory and lab-made foods we often
consume are not the best things for us to be eating.

Vegetables, fruits, and grains from commercial farms are not much better. These food products are often sprayed with harmful, hormone disrupting chemicals.

Even more concerning, many commercially grown plants are genetically altered. We need authentically organic alternatives.

Now, more than ever, we need fresh, real food to sustain us. When we grow our
own food, often we are able to enjoy produce and plant varieties that are not even
available in our local grocery store. This increases the diversity of fresh produce we
can consume. When your buying seeds, look for time-tested heirloom varieties.

What a joy it is to have the opportunity to go out into the garden and pick fresh
produce, as we need it, just like our great grandparents used to do. Not only are the flavors of our homegrown produce more pleasing, but the nutrient density and
quality are much improved as well. What’s more, we’re saving a lot of money too!

Right now, is the best time to get started in the garden, and it’s easier than you
think. Read our article on How to Start a Garden from Scratch [Add Link] to begin
your gardening journey today!

What are some of your favorite edible plants? Have you ever tried growing any of
the plants I mentioned above? What was your experience? Let us know in the
comments below!

From my garden to yours, happy growing!

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