Are you Black Pilled? Don’t worry it’s not all fake.

Are you Black Pilled? Don’t worry it’s not all fake.

In our era of disillusionment, many embark on a journey away from the gilded promises of Babylon and mainstream ideologies. But on this quest, a disconcerting idea often worms its way into the minds of the skeptics: the notion that everything is “fake.”

The “Black Pill” is an idea that truthers can sometimes arrive at, seemingly realizing nothing matters and there is nothing you can do that will change anything, it depraves you of all positive thought and makes you want to get some sort of meaning out of this limited time we have.

 It suggests a world where every crisis is a masquerade, every leader a puppet, every narrative a scripted plot. This worldview claims that a shadowy elite controls everything, weaving a complete illusion around us. Indeed, there’s merit to the idea that events are manipulated, false flags are executed, and greed can corrupt the core of human morality. But, dear reader, tread cautiously, for this path has a perilous precipice.

If you’re ensnared by the belief that it’s all a sham, there’s a significant risk: you might unwittingly seed complacency. When hope is smothered by cynicism, the flame of change is snuffed out. If everything’s preordained, why bother fighting for a better world? Why strive for change? 

An emerging counter-narrative challenges this fatalism. If all were under control, why the overt propaganda, censorship, and desperate attempts to quash opposing views? Ironically, the power moves we witness hint more at desperation than dominion. Take the tragedies of figures like JFK and MLK—were they not anomalies in a supposedly controlled system? The frenzied efforts of the ‘powers that be’ increasingly resemble the flailing of a cornered beast rather than a grandmaster moving chess pieces.

As we navigate this reality, it’s crucial to strike a balance. Avoid sinking into apathy, believing change is but a mirage. Conversely, don’t romanticize the idea of an escape to a rural Eden as the ultimate solution; our forebearers didn’t just seek shelter from storms—they weathered them. 

This isn’t a call to arms or a plea to picket in streets, but a reminder that our tangible and real world is shaped by the narratives we accept. The collective consciousness can be swayed, but it requires the audacity of conviction. In this dance of perception and reality, let’s choose to be neither passive spectators nor cynical critics but engaged actors, hoping, working, and shaping. Because, if not us, then who? If not now, then when?

If all else fails, and you feel low and as if nothing matters at all. Work. Humans are meant to do work, find some good work to do and do it. Keep doing it until you are free.

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