Seeking Inner Harmony: Introducing The Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale

Seeking Inner Harmony: Introducing The Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale

Discovering pathways toward emotional well-being and inner peace is a unique journey for each individual. However, some tools can help guide us on this expedition of self-awareness and growth. One such remarkable tool is Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale. By understanding and implementing this model, we can harness our emotions more effectively, find greater alignment with our desires, and achieve balance in our lives.

The Origins: Esther and Jerry Hicks

Before delving into the Emotional Guidance Scale, it’s essential to understand its source. This tool has its roots in the teachings of Esther and Jerry Hicks, a dynamic couple who dedicated their lives to sharing the wisdom they received from a group of non-physical beings referred to as “Abraham.”

Esther Hicks, a natural-born medium, would go into meditative trances, receiving messages from Abraham. Jerry Hicks, Esther’s husband, was a seeker of knowledge and truth, deeply interested in philosophy and metaphysics. Together, they translated these messages into practical guidance to help individuals navigate their lives more smoothly.

Sadly, Jerry passed away in 2011, but Esther continues their work, spreading the teachings they compiled over the years.

The Abraham Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale

The Emotional Guidance Scale is a fundamental part of the teachings of Abraham Hicks. It lists 22 emotional states, ranging from the most positive – ‘Joy, Appreciation, Empowered, Freedom, and Love’ to the most negative – ‘Fear, Grief, Desperation, Despair, and Powerlessness.’

The Abraham Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale is built on the understanding that our emotions are an immediate feedback system for our vibrational alignment. Essentially, our emotions are seen as indicators of our current resonance with our desires or highest self. This scale is a spectrum of emotions ranging from high, positive vibrations like joy and love to lower, negative vibrations like fear and despair.

Each emotion on this scale serves a unique purpose and offers a distinct signal. The uppermost emotions – joy, appreciation, love, freedom, and empowerment – indicate alignment with your highest self and desires. They demonstrate that you are in a state of allowing, open to, and ready to receive your desires. On the other hand, the lowermost emotions – fear, grief, powerlessness, etc. – indicate a high level of resistance. They show that your current thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes do not align with your desires. The further down the scale you go, the higher the level of resistance, and hence, the further you are from achieving your desires.

However, the beauty of the Emotional Guidance Scale lies in the understanding that you’re not expected to jump from despair to joy in one leap. Instead, it guides you to gradually move up the scale. For instance, if you’re feeling fear (emotion 22), finding a thought that makes you insecure (emotion 21) is progress. If you’re feeling anger (emotion 17), reaching for a view that brings about frustration (emotion 10) and an acknowledgment of it as the stepping stone to anger(emotion 10) is progress. The goal is to gradually move up the scale, one emotion at a time until you reach a state of joy, love, and freedom.

Understanding and Utilizing the Emotional Guidance Scale

  1. Awareness: The first step is to acknowledge where you are on the scale. Be honest with yourself and identify your current emotional state without judgment.
  2. Acceptance: Embrace your emotions. Even negative emotions serve a purpose. They are essential to the human experience and a guiding light toward self-growth.
  3. Incremental Movement: Don’t force or rush your emotions. Allow them to gradually shift by choosing thoughts that feel slightly better. Remember, it’s not about jumping from despair to joy instantly; it’s about making steady and consistent progress up the scale.
  4. Practice: Just as with any new skill, training is crucial. The more you use the Emotional Guidance Scale, the more you will understand your emotions and how to navigate them.


The teachings of Abraham Hicks, particularly the Emotional Guidance Scale, provide a comprehensive map for understanding and maneuvering our emotional landscape. By harnessing this tool, we can cultivate emotional resilience and inch closer to our true desires, peace, and happiness.

When you join our membership, learn more about the Abraham Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale. It’s an opportunity to explore the beauty of life and wisdom in a supportive, non-mainstream community. Let us learn, grow, and strive together against the tides of Babylon.

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